2024 Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) Executive Forum - North America


On March 26, 2024, Tannenbaum Helpern employment law partner, Jason B. Klimpl, will participate in the Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) Executive Forum - North America panel session, "Compliance Essentials in a Volatile Regulatory Environment: What You Need to Know", from 3:15-4:00pm.

Program Description: The legal and regulatory framework in the US around employment related issues is in a considerable amount of flux. With each new presidential administration, we can see a complete reversal of prior policy. Add onto that all the changes at the state and local level and the situation becomes even more complex and volatile. In this session, our panel of legal experts will explore the most important changes in the legal landscape and provide proven strategies to navigate the turbulent waters ahead.

Register here for this event, SIA Executive Forum - North America.

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