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32 results found. Viewing page 1 of 2

Article Title Publication Date
Federal Securities Liability for Cyberattacks – Recent Decision Offers Important Guidance  Securities & Enforcement Alert July 23, 2024
Using AI in Your Practice? Proceed With Caution Attorney Professionalism Forum September/October 2023
Video: CyberTalk - Schrems Redux - Part 2, Schrems Redux: Data transfers from Europe to the U.S. CyberTalk September 10, 2020
Video: CyberTalk - Schrems Redux - Part 1, Schrems Redux: Data transfers from Europe to the U.S. CyberTalk September 10, 2020
Schrems Redux: Data Transfers from Europe to the U.S. Just Became More Problematic Cyber & Privacy Alerts July 20, 2020
Update on New York’s SHIELD Act - Cybersecurity Requirements on Businesses Now in Effect Other Publications April 20, 2020
Video: New York's SHIELD Act Imposes Cybersecurity Requirements on Businesses CyberTalk November 2019
New York’s SHIELD Act Expands Notification Laws and Imposes Strict Cybersecurity Requirements on Businesses Employment Notes November 2019
Messaging Apps That Auto-Destruct Attorney Professionalism Forum September 2019
What Businesses Outside California Should Know About the California Consumer Privacy Act Cyber & Privacy Alerts March 2019
The Proliferation of Biometric Data and Legislation to Regulate its Use Cyber & Privacy Alerts March 2019
Directors and Officers Beware: Your Company’s Violations of Privacy Laws May Cost You Personally Cyber & Privacy Alerts March 2019
Turndown Service with that Hack: Marriott Hotels Announce Massive Data Breach Cyber & Privacy Alerts December 2018
Are Your Website and Privacy Policy GDPR Compliant? Cyber & Privacy Alerts September 2018
GoDaddy the latest to leave S3 Bucket Unsecured Cyber & Privacy Alerts August 2018
Data Privacy Alert: California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 Just Enacted Cyber & Privacy Alerts July 2018
What U.S.- Based Investment Advisers Should Know BulletPoint June 2018
Data Security Issues for Staffing Firms After the Equifax Breach Employment Notes October 2017
Using Per Diem Attorneys Plus An Addendum To The June Forum On Cybersecurity Ethics Attorney Professionalism Forum July/August 2017
Law Firm Ethical Obligations and Cybersecurity Attorney Professionalism Forum June 2017

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